Beyond Nori: Intro to Sea Vegetables

A hands-on cooking class culminating in a family style dinner with your fellow classmates, chatting over a glass of wine or beer.
If you ask the average American to tell you the first time they had a sea vegetable, they will likely answer "sushi roll." If you ask the average American to tell you the last time they had a sea vegetable, they will likely answer "sushi roll."
Despite sea vegetables' importance to coastal cultures for thousands of years, there isn't much variety in the USA beyond nori and the occasional spirulina boost you might add at a fancy smoothie shop (this being the Bay Area). We think sea vegetables are slowly coming to the fore, and some day soon, kelp could be the new kale.
With or without the trend, sea vegetables have a lot of credit: mineral rich, flavorful, and plentiful in the ocean next to us. This class will feature recipes utilizing several different varieties of sea vegetables prepared in ways that may be new and novel to you. We will begin with a lecture on how to source sea vegetables and their health benefits before heading into the kitchen.
Root Vegetable and Scallion Pancakes with Arame
Kale Caesar Salad with Toasted Dulse
Savory Quick Bread with Seeds and Sea Lettuce
Umami Butter with Assorted Sea Vegetables
Vegan Dashi Hot Pot with Kombu
Chocolate Mousse with Agar Agar
This menu contains the following common allergens: dairy, soy, and wheat. Let us know if you're allergic to anything by sending us a note at before purchasing a ticket.
Marie Brennan graduated from the University of Wisconsin with a degree in Dietetics. An avid traveler, she has explored her love of food while on the road. Marie's travels have taken her to study cheese-making in Tasmania, raw food in Western Australia, tea and fermented foods in the mountains of Korea, Ayurvedic cuisine and herbology in Kerala and the kitchens of numerous meditation centers around the world. She moved back to the USA to attend a holistic culinary arts school in Berkeley, where she also worked and taught at for several years. Marie presently lives in the Bay Area and works as an educator, private chef and is the Culinary Creative Director for Café Umami. You can find her at and follow her IG @hedonistinmoderation
Photo by Lauren Probyn on Unsplash