Modern Sauces

A hands-on class culminating in a dinner served with wine and beer.
The old French culinary sauces have their place, but if it is a weekday and you need a delicious dinner there are an assortment of modern alternatives: faster, lighter, and just as tasty. These modern sauces are a lighter, too, not an ounce of butter or cream used here! And no need to stay in France for culinary inspiration; our contemporary approach will skip madly around the globe!
Charmoula Marinated Pork Brochettes on Couscous
Pasta in Muhammara Sauce
Roasted Broccoli and Golden Cauliflower with Chimichurri Sauce
Chilled Soba Noodle Salad with Salmon and Ponzu Dressing
Chicken Thighs with Pineapple Chili Mojo
Born in the Haight Ashbury neighborhood of San Francisco, Mike Weller grew up in suburbs of San Jose, where he discovered cooking as his first profession and lifetime passion. After wandering through typical teenage jobs at pizza joints and ice cream parlors, Mike’s first “restaurant” job was with Sambo’s Coffee Shops, slinging hash and cooking eggs for the bar rush and Sunday breakfast crowds. He moved on to help open several restaurants, attend the California Culinary Academy, and study under European chefs with Michelin backgrounds. Later, Mike served as an executive chef for catering companies, wineries and country clubs. When his son was born, Mike transitioned his career into teaching, returning to the CCA where he eventually became the Executive Chef and Director of Academics. Having taught for Le Cordon Bleu North America in both online and brick and mortar schools, Mike is thrilled to return to teaching in a neighborhood-based community. When he is not teaching he tends to his backyard garden, helps his wife to can and preserve food, and loves to cook for his friends and family.