Sea Forager Seafood Dinner

A seated dinner featuring locally caught seafood. Guests welcome to BYOB wine and beer; we will also have bottles for sale.
Join us for a festive dinner and musical collaboration between educator, fisherman, and sustainable fishmonger Kirk Lombard and 18 Reasons Chef Mike Weller. Eat your way through fresh seasonal seafood and learn what makes it sustainable. Who caught your seafood, where, how, and why does it matter? We guarantee you'll be singing along with Lombard’s sea shanty trio and celebrating our sustainable bounty in an insightful seafood supper.
“Heaven and Hell”:
Batter Fried Surf Smelt
Green Goddess and Deviled Cherry Tomato Jam
Second Month at Sea Chowder:
Dairy Free Soup of Corn, Potatoes, and Cockles
“Hardtack” Chive Scones and “Salt Pork” Pancetta
Silver and Gems:
Lemon Cured Anchovies, Roasted Garlic Flan
Charred Baby Gem Lettuce, Tiny Sourdough Croutons
Chasing Down the White:
Pistachio Crusted Halibut
Saffron Pearl Couscous, Mediterranean Salsa
Tomato Consommé
The British Navy:
Lime Sorbet, Meringue Topping Flamed with Simple Syrup Grog
*Menu subject to change given the whims of Neptune and Sea Forager Seafood's high sustainability standards.
Kirk Lombard, fisherman, educator, writer and entertainer founded Sea Forager Tours, turning people on to our local bounty through local fishing and foraging walking excursions in San Francisco and Half Moon Bay. His passion for sustainable seafood led him to create Sea Forager Seafood, a Community Supported Fisheries (CSF) membership program that offers delicious, ethical seafood. Members get the story behind the fish and what makes it sustainable, plus recipes, prep tips, fun events, and tours and tips so that they can learn to catch some of their own seafood. Similar to a CSA produce subscription, members get seasonal, fresh, sustainable seafood weekly or biweekly at a nearby pick up location or home delivery in the Bay Area. Kirk's fishing antics and passion for sustainable seafood have been featured in the New York Times, SF Chronicle, NPR, Food Network, Sunset Magazine, Oprah Network and many more. Visit for more about the singing fisherman, his tours and seafood CSF.
Born in the Haight Ashbury neighborhood of San Francisco, Mike Weller grew up in suburbs of San Jose, where he discovered cooking as his first profession and lifetime passion. After wandering through typical teenage jobs at pizza joints and ice cream parlors, Mike’s first “restaurant” job was with Sambo’s Coffee Shops, slinging hash and cooking eggs for the bar rush and Sunday breakfast crowds. He moved on to help open several restaurants, attend the California Culinary Academy, and study under European chefs with Michelin backgrounds. Later, Mike served as an executive chef for catering companies, wineries and country clubs. When his son was born, Mike transitioned his career into teaching, returning to the CCA where he eventually became the Executive Chef and Director of Academics. Having taught for Le Cordon Bleu North America in both online and brick and mortar schools, Mike is thrilled to return to teaching in a neighborhood-based community. When he is not teaching he tends to his backyard garden, helps his wife to can and preserve food, and loves to cook for his friends and family.